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Approaches to Re-assessments

Completion requirements

The organisation or service provider, for whom you are conducting assessment, must have a clear policy regarding the amounts of time a learner can be re-assessed. Most providers have a 2- or 3-times opportunity for re-assessment, after which the learner must carry the cost of assessment.

There is always a debate as to how re-assessment should take place. It is recommended that you establish what exactly the learner is not yet competent in, and only address these fields – learners get discouraged if an entire assessment has to be re-done, when only a part of the outcomes or criteria were not met.

It is also not always necessary to assess the learner during re-assessment with the exact same tool as was used before. As long as you plan with the learner and the learner is aware of, and agrees with, the method of reassessment, you can use strategies such a supplementary project to address specific outcomes Not-Yet-Competent.