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Health and Safety of Employees in a Workplace

Completion requirements

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (1993) of South Africa was put in place as an instrument that would ensure employees and employers maintain healthy and safe conditions at the workplace. The legislation ensures good corporate governance on the part of employers by creating healthy and safe working conditions. The Act requires the employer to bring about and maintain, as far as reasonably practicable, a work environment that is safe and without risk to the Health and Safety of the workers.

This means that the employer must ensure that the workplace is free of hazardous substances, such as benzene, chlorine and micro organisms, articles, equipment, and processes that may cause occupational injury, damage, disease or ill health.

Where this is not possible, the employer must inform workers of the hazards and risks present in the workplace. The employer must also educate employees on how they may be prevented, and how to work safely.