Establishing trust is the key step towards becoming the go-to person for your client.
They think of you right away when they need help or solutions. They may not be in a position to do more business but if they have a positive experience, they may recommend you to neighbours that may be in a position to do big business with the Land Bank. When they recover, they will give you the first shot at new business.
You get mutual problem solving and mutual growth in profitability. You know the internal structure and practices of a company so you can better meet their current needs and anticipate future ones. You can develop new opportunities with decision-makers in other divisions.
Communication is much better. They give you a heads-up on problems and will work with you to resolve them. You are more aware of what’s happening with the customer and the customer’s organisation. You get answers when you need them. You get access to people. You get the truth, including honest feedback on pricing.
In a tie, you win. You’re able to use the customer for a testimonial and referral to similar customers.
Click here to view a video that explains the three simple ways to become a trusted advisor to my client.
Don’t get caught up in internal politics. Don’t get involved in rumours, gossip, or complaints. Never play he said, she said. Avoid internal power plays. (You’ll end up on the wrong side at some point.) Don’t leave people out of the loop, either intentionally or unintentionally.
Don’t knock your competition. (This includes warning the customer about a competitor’s financial problems.) Also, avoid comparing or discussing the customer’s competition.
Make sure you really can fix their needs with your product applications. Be cautious of untested solutions.
Don’t be pushy or become complacent about the customer, the relationship, or your performance.
Let the customers determine how personal they want the relationship to be. Never waste their time. Don’t allow a personal relationship to interfere with business decisions.
Identify problem areas and then don’t go there: religion, politics, call waiting, answering the phone during customer meetings. Avoid giving advice on personal issues. Don’t offer an opinion if it wasn’t asked for. Avoid things that are too personal.
Don’t put down the people who work in your company or their company.