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Principle 4: Organising

Completion requirements

If you spend a lot of time looking for files, equipment, tools, parts, or supplies, you cannot be as productive as those whose work area is organised and who knows where everything is. To be an organised worker, you need to do the following:

Make a Space for Everything

You should find a convenient location for the equipment you use. Do not heap materials or tools in piles or mix them in drawers.

Place Frequently Used Equipment Within Easy Reach

Carpenters, electricians and plumbers wear belts which give them easy access to essential tools. Secretaries place staplers and pencil sharpeners strategically on their desks.

Keep a Supply of Frequently Used Materials

Stock up, within reason, on materials you use often. Always re-stock before you run out of a necessary material or supply.

Put Everything Back in its Place

If you have a hectic workplace and find yourself too engrossed in projects to return everything immediately, set a time aside at the end of the day for straightening up.

Use a Sensible Filing System

Most files follow alphabetical or numerical order. There must be a logical system for naming and numbering. Make sure others can understand the filing system you use. The files are the company's, not yours, and you may not be there at a time when they are needed.

Do Not Waste Materials

The less waste a company has, the more profitable it will be. Therefore, productive workers do not waste company supplies. They organise a system for saving, storing and recycling paper and other supplies