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Reach Agreement

Completion requirements
Reach Agreement on Feedback and Agree on Action Plans to Further Improve Performance

You and the staff member need to reach agreement on feedback given and received. Both parties need to accept the current reality and the underlying reasons for that reality, before one can move forward by developing an action plan.

Summarise the main points of feedback. Then develop an action plan to address all of these points. Some actions might have to be taken by the supervisor/manager and some by the individual. An action plan is specifically aimed at bringing performance to an acceptable level or standard.

The action plan could include: Training, Coaching, Counselling, Studying, Self-study, Reading, Mentoring, Observing, Practice

Take Remedial Action to Resolve Resource Deficiencies, such as in Materials, Equipment and Tools

Click here to view a video that explains how to discipline employees.

It is the supervisor's/manager’s role to ensure that employees have all the necessary resources to enable them to perform optimally in their job. An employee cannot be held responsible for poor performance if resources like materials, equipment and tools are detracting from work performance.

Once the performance management cycle has been completed you will have received a lot of information on resource deficiencies.

  • Summarise feedback on resources deficiencies in a summary report.
  • Identify what action you can take to resolve difficulties and remove barriers.
  • Escalate issues that you cannot resolve to your manager and follow-up to ensure that action is taken.
  • Give feedback to the staff member, indicating which issues you have personally taken responsibility to resolve and which issues you have escalated to a higher level.
  • Provide feedback on an ongoing basis until all matters have been resolved in one way or another.

Reach Agreement on Remedial Actions to be taken to Bring Behaviour and Work Outputs to Required Standards

Once performance gaps have been identified and agreed upon, an action plan must be put in place to ensure that remedial action will be taken to bring behaviour and work outputs to required standards.

Consider the following procedure:

  • Ensure that the action plan address all the areas that do not meet the performance standard.
  • An action plan should be specific, clear and to the point. There should be no misunderstandings.
  • Specific action that needs to be taken by the employee and supervisor/manager must be identified and both parties must be clear on their objectives.
  • Establish follow-up dates to review performance on a regular basis.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate successes. This will motivate the staff member and enhance self-esteem.
  • Set a realistic deadline for remedial action. Both supervisor/manager and employee must work towards this deadline to achieve the required performance level.

Reach Agreement on Further Remedial Action to be taken if Work or Behaviour is still not Reaching the Required Standards

Once the deadline for remedial action has been reached, assess the situation formally.

If performance is still not at the required standard, more drastic steps will have to be implemented.

  • Start a formal disciplinary process, which is independent from the action plan and performance counselling process.
  • Make sure that meetings are thoroughly minuted and that you include observers.
  • Ensure that the employee understand that a failure to meet performance objectives stated in the remedial action plan will lead to disciplinary action and possible dismissal for incapacity (poor performance).

Click here to view a video that explains formal disciplinary meetings.

Ensure that all Relevant Documentation is Completed and Signed According to the Organisation’s Policies and Procedures

Before you close the meeting ensure that all the relevant documentation is completed and signed off by both parties. Both the first and the last pages of the performance management document might require signatures from the manager and staff member.

It is also a good idea to ask the staff member to initial all other pages. Remember that this is a formal contract between you and the staff member. Terms and conditions of this contract can therefore not be changes unilaterally. It is therefore important to complete the performance management documentation in ink.

If you prefer, you can have the information neatly typed out after the meeting and then ask the staff member to sign the final document again. Provide a copy of the original documentation to the staff member to satisfy them that you have not made changes to the agreement unilaterally after the meeting.