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Classification Of Information

Completion requirements

Data in the business environment can be classified into different categories.

General business information: This information category refers to day-to-day administrative tasks. This may include minutes of meetings, emails that are sent and received and other basic administrative tasks.

Personal matters: Some information is addressed to one specific person. This information must therefore be handled as personal information and may be handed over to the correct person in a sealed envelope. Employees should refrain from receiving personal mail at the workplace.

Confidential matters: Mail that is marked confidential is secret and is meant exclusively for the person mentioned. Confidential matters should be dealt with in a sensitive and ethical manner.

Personal and Confidential: Information that is categorised as personal and confidential should be treated as privileged information.

Highly confidential: This category includes information such as retrenchments, discharges or disciplinary actions. It is very sensitive and should be accessed by passwords on the computer, or should be locked away in storage.

Secret and top-secret: Information categorised as secret or top secret should only be accessed by managers, executives and persons who have security clearance for that specific information.