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Manual For Policies And Procedures

Completion requirements

A manual covering all the policies and procedures for the specific administrative systems may contain general information about the organization but also provide clear guidelines on how to deal with different functionalities in the organization.

The drafting of a manual will provide the current and new employees with comprehensive guidelines on the practices of the organisation. Should employees have specific questions about their behaviour within the organisation, they can consult the manual in private and maintain confidentiality. The manual is a active working document. A statement should be included encouraging employees to add, amend or delete policies and procedures according to changing circumstances.

A manual need to be structured and detailed to serve the purpose of its development. This manual has the objective of integrating all the policies and procedures necessary to assist employees in orientating themselves on knowing what to do and how to do it.

Different steps in the process of creating a manual is suggested:

Prior to policies and procedures being noted in a manual, it is important to gain the support from employees. Employees that are acquainted with the content of the policies and procedures will respect the manual and perceive it with a positive attitude. This will create less anxiety and frustration.