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Techniques to Deal with Difficult Calls

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Dealing with an angry caller is never an easy task. Unfortunately, call centre customer service representatives have to do it all the time. While the stress and anxiety of handling these situations fade as reps learn the ropes, the importance of handling difficult customers well never fades.

A dissatisfied customer is likely to tell between nine and 15 people about their experience, whereas a satisfied customer may only tell between four and six. That means that, unfortunately, when it comes to customer support, bad news travels faster than good. Thus, ensuring that each caller hangs up happy is of utmost importance. Here are some simple steps to make the process of turning a tough caller into a satisfied customer:

Work As Quickly As Possible

As they say, time is money. The more efficient you can be means the more customers you can help throughout the day. Most, in fact 90 percent, of consumers would rather deal with issues over the phone than via chat, email or social media.

That usually means that on any given day, you could have a lot of customers on hold. You need to get to all of them as fast as you can. Not only that, but customers get frustrated when they have to wait. Many are already frustrated by the time they arrive at the other end of your line. Adding excessive hold times to the process will only exasperate the initial problem.

Even for those who are calling to place an order, it’s just as important to help them place it as quickly as they can. If an online shopper doesn’t feel their concern or question is addressed in a fast enough manner, 45 percent of the time, they’ll abandon the purchase altogether, losing the company cash and a potential loyal customer.

Call centre managers can help their agents become more efficient by providing them with intuitive and easy-to-use cloud-based call centre software that frees up time with automated workflows and helps them improve on their KPIs.

Listen To The Entire Story First

When you do get a difficult caller on the phone, ask the customer how you can help them. Then, sit back and listen; really listen. When a customer is explaining a problem, don’t interrupt them at all. Don’t cut them off. Don’t even cut in to ask for clarification. As they talk, have a pen and paper or computer tab handy. This way, you can jot down any details and potential questions you’d like to ask for clarification reasons after they’re finished.

Not only will listening to the whole story first give you a better idea of the issue or question they’re calling about, but it will also help the customer feel better. There are few things more frustrating to an angry caller than not being heard. Let them talk while you actively listen and take notes.


After they’ve explained the problem, before anything else happens, apologize. This is key, especially if the customer is angry. Even if he or she is as cool as a clam, it is still worth your time to apologize for any problem or inconvenience. If the problem was originally their fault, blaming them is only going to worsen their mood, so give a sincere apology, not a generic one. That way, they’ll feel like they have an ally, not an enemy. Assure him or her that you’re going to assist them and together you will work to solve the issue at hand.

Don’t Get Caught Up In Emotion

The most effective way to start calming down an unhappy customer is to just let them vent. Remember, if a customer is angry it’s not something to be taken personally. It’s important that reps are able to distance themselves from a customer’s anger, so they can listen and acknowledge the complaint.

Repeat The Problem And Apologize

Imagine yourself in a situation where you’re the one who’s angry. The most important thing is to make sure you’re understood. If an agent repeats the facts and apologizes with empathy, an irate customer is sure to calm down. Do this in a way that is sincere, so the customer knows you care.

Offer Them Something Of Value

If you don’t have the authority to do this yourself, take the initiative to ask a supervisor. It’s important to offer something that allows the customer to get back to a happy place, but make sure it’s valuable to them. If they plan to continue using your product or services, offer them a discount off their next bill or a complimentary accessory to their product. Even better, give them some choice! Offer them three complimentary gifts and let them choose what they like best.