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Tips and Strategies

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When callers dump their anger on you it is very hard to stay calm and composed. But we have to find ways to deal with this situation and give good quality service. Let’s look at some ways that could calm the caller.

Use the caller’s name - People identify with their names and often become relaxed when referred to by name. So, use the person name as often as possible.

Every man must have his say - Learn to listen and give the caller a chance to have his say. This will result in a two-way conversation where you can make your product or service known to the client because the door of communication is open.

Let the caller give input on how to sort out problem - A caller is confronted with a problem or has a need, and this is an ideal situation whereby the caller is asked what the best method is to sort out the situation or determine the need. And, you might have the service or product to serve his needs.

Know your product or service - Make sure you know your product or service to be able to answer questions and give advice because sometimes angry callers ask trick questions.

Promise what you can deliver - Your seal of quality lies in your capacity to deliver and your word is a contractual agreement. So, call the client back after you have verified and determined her needs, and this will result in a long and rewarding relationship.