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Upsell vs. Cross-Sell

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Upselling is encouraging the purchase of anything that would make the primary purchase more expensive. Cross-selling is encouraging the purchase of anything in conjunction with the primary product. For example, it would be upselling to offer the purchase of ink with a printer, but it would be cross-selling to offer the purchase of a scanner with a printer.

Cross-selling and upselling are often used interchangeably, but different scenarios with different customers can call for one specific approach over the other. The word "upsell" is applied to pretty much any instance where you suggest (or push) a product in addition to the one being purchased. By knowing the difference between upselling and cross-selling, you put yourself at an advantage.

Upselling is encouraging the purchase of anything that would make the primary product more expensive. For instance, a camera might come with an offer of batteries, and a printer purchase might prompt the suggestion for ink.

Cross-selling is the suggestion of any other product to be purchased in conjunction with the primary product a scanner suggestion when a printer is purchased or a conditioner suggestion when shampoo is selected.