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Branding: Creating an Identity

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Your Brand is the Face of The Business – Market Positioning

A strong corporate brand is no less or no more than the face of the business strategy, portraying what the corporation aims at doing and what it wants to be known for in the market place.

Resembles the Activities And Image

The corporate brand is the overall umbrella for the corporation’s activities and encapsulates its vision, values, personality, positioning, and image, among many other dimensions.

Identity Through Tangibles

A corporate branding strategy creates simplicity; it is the ultimate identifier of the corporation.

The image reflected by the “company’s personality” will make the company identifiable and different from the rest and it will also determine its importance in the business world.

Corporate identity is the grouping of pieces, aspects, ideas, methods and techniques that your brand needs to be identifiable. Your company’s corporate identity can be formed by many of the pieces that form a communicational style: logo, letterhead, business cards, folder, envelopes, etc.

Identity Through Employees ‘Living’ The Brand

No matter what your product or service, your employees are the most powerful representation of your brand.

We have all dealt with the customer-service representative that either builds loyalty or breaks it, based on our experience. And, while new customers were once thought of as the lifeblood of successful companies, current customers and customer loyalty have become more valuable than ever.

Ultimately, employees are the marketers of your company as well as your brand ambassadors. And, engaged employees are going to be your best advocates for acquiring and retaining customers.

Engaged employees are concerned with producing quality work and believe that they have a stake in the organisation. This sense of ownership is more valuable than stock options, and results in the best brand ambassadors any company could have. These employees may not be able to articulate marketing slogans, but they speak about the company, its products and services from their hearts.