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Communication in the Workplace

Completion requirements

Communication is the sending of a message to a recipient that must receive, understand and act upon it. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal; uncomplicated and clear. Ensure that the recipient receive the message correctly - avoid faulty execution of a task.

The communication system on a farm must be simple (for the sake of unskilled workers) to ensure that the activities will take place. The communication can come about as:

  • Meeting to discuss activities on daily, weekly, two weekly or monthly intervals.
  • Written memos.
  • Daily instructions.
  • Pre-planned schedule.
  • Direct communication.
  • Written reports.
The Elements of Good Communication

The message must be clear and unambiguous to avoid misinterpretation. Feedback – it is important that the “receiver” report back to the “sender” to give account on completion of the “message”. After inspecting the job (do-over or well done), the farmer can communicate another task to the worker – via the supervisor or directly.