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Your Appearances

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Things move at an incalculable pace today. As people are pressed for time, only the things that immediately catch our eye capture our attention. This goes for ads, magazine covers, product packaging, and of course, people.

Because we're so busy, looks count for a lot more than they used to. It's what makes the first and most lasting impression, and what reflects one's personality and attitude. In the workplace, this is more important than you may think.

Before even uttering a word, your visual image will say a multitude about you as an individual (your perceived level of intelligence, competence, affability, self-esteem, confidence, power, beliefs and success) and about the organisation you represent (its philosophy, culture, and standard of service).

"You don't dress for the position you have.  You dress for the position you want!"

You constantly send out silent messages providing clues to both existing and potential clients and colleagues. Based on these clues, they take their cues, e.g. consider buying your organisation's products and services, etc.

A positive first visual impression is important. If someone is nicely-dressed and looks well put-together, we have greater confidence in his or her abilities even before he or she has said a word.

Besides being an external cue, affecting the response of others toward you, clothing is also an inner cue affecting your self-image.

Having an elegant work get-up is important. It encourages others to take you seriously. This goes for both the new young guy and the aging old-timer. Your words are more likely to fall on deaf ears if you wear an unbuttoned plaid shirt over a faded rock concert T-shirt, than if you sport a neat buttoned shirt.

A well put-together outfit also delivers the subtler message that you pay great attention to detail. It suggests that if you put so much effort into your image, you're probably just as meticulous in your work.

Feeling good about how you look can make you feel good about yourself, thereby increasing your personal presence. When you wear more powerful-looking clothing (e.g. neat professional/branded shirts/pants, etc.) and clothing that are appropriate for your profession, it changes your mindset – switching from "relaxed mode" to "professional mode". This positive change in attitude is reflected in body language and behaviour (e.g. better posture, firmer handshake, maintaining eye contact, sticking to business, etc.), giving you greater visual power.