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Directions for Scoring

Completion requirements

Click here to download the marking sheet. 

Enter a check for each answer in the column for a or b.

Add down so that the total number of 'a' answers is written in the box at the bottom of each column.  Do the same for the 'b' answers you have checked.  Each of the 14 boxes should have a number in it.

Transfer the number in box number 1 of the answer sheet to the to box number 1 below the answer sheet. Do this for box 2 as well.  Note, however, that you have two numbers for boxes 3 through 8.  Bring down the first number of each box beneath the second, as indicated by the arrows.  Now add all the pairs for number and enter the total in the boxes below the answer sheet, so each box has only one number.

Now you have four pairs of numbers.  Circle the letter below the larger number of each pair. 

You have now identified your “type”.  It should be one of the following.

INFP                ISFP                  INTP                ISTP

ENFP               ESFP                 ENTP               ESTP

INFJ                 ISFJ                   INTJ                 ISTJ

ENFJ                ESFJ                  ENTJ                ESTJ

Click here to download a handout on possible strengths and weaknesses for each type.

Click here to view a video that explains the Myers Briggs personality types.