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Optimum Use Of Resources For Optimum Outputs

Completion requirements

Natural and mobile resources should be deployed in an effective manner. This means avoiding wastage, duplication and incorrect resource application and timing. For example, water, which is a scarce resource, should be applied at the right times and in the right amounts. To achieve this may require that other resources, such as soil, be properly selected and prepared and that the labour (another important resource) used to apply the water be adequately trained.

Resources can also be under-used. For example, the establishment of a new production area (field/orchard/animal husbandry area) requires adequate capital to be available for the purchase of high-quality inputs (nursery materials/trees/animal breeding stock/irrigation system/required equipment). Capital is a resource which, if not available in a sufficient amount, can lead to an under-capitalised venture and likely failure.

In addition to the effective use of resources, appropriate systems, processes and procedures that enable the achievement of the highest income at the lowest cost, must be put in place. The highest income is achieved when resources are cost-effectively applied to optimise production and, in so doing, also enable the greatest possible proportion of yield to meet the demands and requirements of the best paying markets (either local or export).

Click here to view a video that explains how to feed the world in 2050, actions in a changing climate.