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The Principles Of The Occupational Health And Safety Act

Completion requirements

Click here to view a video that explains OHSA.

  • Keep agro-chemicals locked away from children and untrained workers.
  • Chemicals should be locked up in a separate store, away from feed, seed and fertiliser to avoid contamination by spillage or vapours from unstable chemicals.
  • In the case of fire or floods, these materials will be confined to one area.
Read the Label Carefully
  • Avoid poisoning
  • Wash the applicator after you have used it.
  • Keep away from the spray drift or dust cloud.
  • Do not smoke, eat or drink while applying the pesticide.
  • Take a bath when you have finished and put on clean clothes.
  • Wash contaminated clothing.
When Working with a Pesticide you Should Wear:
  • Rubber gloves
  • Rubber boots
  • A face shield
  • An apron
Do not Harm the Environment
  • Apply pesticides only when it is absolutely necessary.
  • Keep to the dosage prescribed.
  • Apply pesticides only on windless days.
  • Choose pesticides that work quickly or that are safe to wildlife.
  • Do not contaminate water by drift or when washing application equipment.
  • Use only pesticides that are prescribed for your particular problem.
How to Store and Transport Pesticides
  • Always pack or load pesticides in such a manner that the containers will not be damaged.
  • Keep the container in a cool place, away from direct sunlight or near the fire.
  • Store pesticides away from food and seed.
  • Do not store pesticides in containers that normally hold food or soft drinks.

Application Equipment
  • Always use equipment that is in good working condition.
  • Service your equipment regularly and fix leaks immediately.
  • Clean the equipment properly after use and do not leave pesticides in the applicator overnight.
  • DO NOT throw the rinsing water into rivers, dams or onto grazing after you have cleaned the equipment.
  • Application equipment must be calibrated properly.
In Case Of Spills, Have On Hand A:
  • Broom
  • Spade
  • Supply of dry fine sand.

In case of expired or contaminated material, have on hand: Large containers (1/3 of a 200 l drum) for disposal of contaminated material and empty containers.

Protective Equipment Must Be Available And Used

Protective clothing includes:

  • Overalls
  • Rubber gloves
  • Face shields
  • Goggles
  • Boots

Disposing of Agrochemical Containers in a Safe Way

  • Ensure that the container is empty.
  • Rinse the container three (3) times with clean water.
  • Put rinsing water into the spray tank and spray it onto the fields.
  • Make holes in the container and bury it in a specified area.
  • Make use of a collection service to get rid of empty containers.

  • The pit must be at least 50 m from any water source (river, dam, spring, borehole, etc.).
  • Line the pit with a 3 to 5 cm thick layer of lime.
  • Put flattened containers and other farm waste in the pit in layers not more than 10 to 15 cm deep.
  • Cover the pit between deposits to prevent the contents from getting wet when it rains.
  • When the pit has been filled to a level 50 cm from the top, seal and compact it with soil and stack the top with a final mound to force rainwater to run off.
  • Erect a signpost in the area that indicates its purpose.