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Feeding Strategies Can Be Grouped According To The Feed Utilization

Completion requirements

The next table shows the different ways in which an animal can utilize its feed.

Way of utilization

Animal type

Examples of feedstuffs and use thereof

Extensive grazing

Game, beef cattle, sheep, goats, angora goats and horses.

Natural vegetation and veldt consisting of grass, shrubs, Karoo veldt, small trees etc.  Are used whenever the animal graze or Browse.

Intensive grazing

Dairy cows, mutton sheep, horses, chickens and sometimes pigs.

Cultivated pastures, crop residues, provided by the farmer.

Zero grazing

Feedlot animals, dairy cows, chickens and pigs.

A variety of feedstuffs are fed to animals that have no other source of feed available. In most cases, the diet is balanced to supply the required nutrients.