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Feed Intake is Very Badly Affected if any of the Following Problems Occurring.

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Too little feed is made available. This leads to severe competition between animals and the younger and weaker animals always gets the least access.

  • Lack of clean water. Feed intake will stop sooner than later if no water is available.
  • Feed is contaminated with urine and dung.
  • The feed contains foreign matter such as plastic, wire, string etc. Death may be the result swallowing of these foreign objects.
  • Spoilt feed left in feed troughs accumulates due to a lack of intake by the animals. This leads to the false impression that there is sufficient feed available.
  • Feed is out of reach of animals or feeders are not distributing feed properly.
  • Incorrect quantity or type of feed is offered.
  • Feed is selectively eaten - certain portions are left.
  • Feed space is so limited as to result in severe competition between animals - some animals have very little if any access to feed. This also leads to weaker animals being injured.
  • Animals want to eat, but due to some physical problem is unable to do so (e.g. something stuck in the throat; smooth tongue; infections on the lips, tongue or gums; stasis of the gut; colic; bloat).
  • Sick animals rarely exhibit a healthy appetite.
  • Animals that are on heat usually do not eat much.
  • Pain reduces feed intake.
  • Stray voltage results in a low current being present in metal feeders. Animals exhibit low or erratic intake.

Click here to view a video that explains what is mad cow disease.