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Restoring The Weighing Facility Back To Its Inoperative Status

Completion requirements

Once the weighing process has been completed the facility and scale must be cleaned and stored in the correct manner. As we discussed earlier in this module it is important the scales and other equipment used during the process are clean and serviceable before the mass determination process start.

To ensure this equipment should be cleaned after use to ensure that the equipment is in the correct condition for use when needed again. Scales used for the weighing of cattle are usually robust structures that can take a lot of rough and tumble, but if not used and stored correctly can easily be damaged and the cost of replacing these scales are enormous.

There is a wide variety of scales available to the farmer to use when weighing his cattle. The cleaning and maintenance procedures for these scales differ and operators that use scale should always be fully aware of the cleaning procedures applicable to the scale that they use. These procedures will include ways in which to ensure that the areas in and around the load cells are kept clean and the specific ways in which scales should be stored to minimise damage.

When cleaning any electronic equipment that was used during the process it is also important that the manufacturer’s guidelines are strictly adhered to. Always be careful when using water in and around electrical equipment as circuit boards can easily be damaged and might necessitate the replacement of the entire unit.

If there are no specific instructions available always ensure that all electronic equipment or interfaces are removed from the scale before the scale’s platform are washed with water and a detergent to remove mud and dust. Always check the load cells under the platform to ensure that no mud or other dirt is collected on the load cells that can impede their function. Electronic equipment such as readouts and scanners should be wiped down using a damp and not wet cloth.

Scales and electronic equipment should be dried thoroughly before storage. Scales should be stored flat on the floor and not in an upright position to minimise the risk of damage to load cells. Electronic equipment must be stored in a cool and dry place.