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Euthanizing Injured Cattle and Predators and Discarding of Carcasses

Completion requirements

Sometimes cattle get injured very badly by predators or the cattle owner might come across a very badly injured predator (that might have been trapped or gored by bulls) and a decision will have to be made to euthanize the animals and discard the carcass.

The decision to humanely end the life of an animal may be necessary in cases of severe injury (as well as injury by predators which didn’t kill the animal) or disease or as a result of disasters such as fire or flood. On-farm euthanasia may be the most practical and humane way for a livestock producer to relieve an animal's pain and suffering if it is unfit to travel or to prevent drug residues from entering the food supply.

Whenever possible, livestock producers should consult with a veterinarian before deciding to euthanize an animal. The following questions will help in deciding whether to treat, slaughter or euthanize an animal that is injured, extremely weak or disabled: