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Elementary Methods Of Data Collection

Completion requirements
Foundational Knowledge on Measurement

Measurement is how we determine the exact capacity of something that is solid, liquid or gas form.

A carpenter needs to know the length of a piece of wood. It has to be the right size.

A baker needs to know how much flour he/she is buying. If he/she is baking a lot, he/she needs a greater quantity.

If a person works in the city, he needs to know how long the train journey is.

He doesn’t want to be late for work!

Measuring Instruments

For each type of measurement, there is a particular measuring instrument that is most suitable to do the job. It will be impossible to list all the possible measuring instruments, thus we will look at the most common instruments and welcome your knowledge and experience to enhance understanding of this section.

When using any measuring instruments, ensure that measurement is: Accurate; precise and viewed squarely off the scale of the measuring instrument.


Counting plays a very big role in collecting Agri-data. A farmer may decide to count the number of weeds or pests in a specific area, in order to determine whether or not chemical pest control is necessary.

We also count the amount of fertilizer, and the number of plants or trees in any given area, in order to determine:

  • “How much” fertilizer we should give.
  • “How many” fruit it will deliver.
  • “How much” money we spent to fertilise, pest control, etc. each and every plant.