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Routine Checks To Prevent Problems

Completion requirements

In order to prevent any of the above problems, certain routine checks should be in place. For example:

Actual feed intake should be calculated regularly.

  • Automatic feeders should be checked daily for correct functioning.
  • Feed bunkers should be cleaned at least once or twice a week - depending on how wet and perishable the feed is and how the feed bins are shaped.
  • Feed bunkers should be checked twice daily for contamination and spoilt feed removed.
  • Remove any foreign matter such as wire, string, plastic etc.
  • In an intensive feeding system, water troughs should be checked twice daily to ensure that fresh clean water is always available.
  • Animals should be fed according to a regular routine.
  • The availability of feed in a grazing situation should be monitored daily.
  • Salt licks should be limited, to prevent animals from over-intake if it is only irregularly supplied. This can lead to diarrhoea.
  • Animal health should be monitored and any of the following symptoms immediately recorded and reported:
    • Diarrhoea
    • Lameness accompanied by swollen cornets (laminitis)
    • Bloat
    • The sweet smell on the breath of a ruminant (ketosis)
    • Sour smelling, yellowish dung in a ruminant (acidosis)
    • Swollen muzzle/muzzle
    • Drooling from the mouth
    • Vomiting
    • Excessive weight loss or gain
  • Metal feeders should be checked for stray voltage from time to time.