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Ways of Responding to Defensive Behaviour

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The first would obviously be – Get out of the way!! Get out of the camp, or the pen, or the crush, or the corner, or the room, or the space that you are in with the animal. Get out of the animal’s way! The reason is to avoid injury to yourself, a bystander or the animal. Getting out of the way will then give you a chance to think about the most appropriate next step.

The following assessment of the situation can then be done:

Is there something (other than yourself or a bystander) that is causing the animal to respond defensively? For example, there may be a barking dog or a snake in the animal’s space. Or, maybe there is a thorn between the animal’s hooves or the animal may be injured (internally or externally) and is in extreme pain.

Once you have determined what the problem is, you can then respond as follows:

Remove that which is causing the defensive behaviour – For example the dog or the snake.

If the animal is acting defensively because it does not want you to handle it, it may be necessary to subdue the animal.

This can be done in one of the following ways:

Chemically Restraining the Animal

Tranquillizers are compounds that calm or quiet anxious animals. For example Neuroleptics (ACP) or anti-anxiety drugs like valium.

Sedatives are used to relieve irritability or excitement

Anaesthesia can be provided (either complete or partial) which causes a complete loss of feeling or sensation and muscle relaxation (This can be done especially if the animal needs to be operated on).

These compounds can be administered either intravenously (difficult with an anxious animal), intramuscularly (easier to administer) or with a blow dart or darting gun (if the animal is impossible to approach).

Destruction of the Animal (The Last Resort) - Euthanasia

Captive bolt pistol – this is a handheld weapon for euthanasia of large animals. The muzzle is placed against the subject’s forehead (different species have different locations). When the trigger is pulled a 3cm rod, 1cm in diameter exits sharply to pierce the skull and damage the brain. The rod does not leave the weapon and there is no possible risk of injuring a bystander.

Correct Points to Aim for With a Captive Bolt

Shooting with a bullet - (same procedure as above – but caution must be taken regarding harming oneself or bystanders).

Chemical euthanasia – A Chemical compound is usually administered intravenously to cause immediate and painless death.

Slaughter – Firstly, the animal should be stunned – This is the passage of a low voltage current through the brain to cause unconsciousness. The current is passed through a pair of tongs clamped to the head like a pair of earphones. It is used mostly in abattoirs for pigs or poultry, but also for lambs, kids and calves. The throat is then slit.

An electrical stunner

A sheep being stunned before slaughter

Click here to view a video that explains slaughter with stunning.