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Indigenous Vegetation

Completion requirements

South Africa is ranked as the third most biologically diverse country in the world, mainly due to the richness of plant life. South Africa has one-tenth of all plant species in the world, in an area that is 1% of all land surfaces. The indigenous vegetation of South Africa is divided into seven biomes, each with its own distinct characteristics.

It is important to know the indigenous vegetation of the area in which the farming enterprise is going to be established and identify the possible effects of such development on the environment.

Land use alters the natural environment and has already been the cause of tremendous environmental degradation in South Africa. A very small percentage of our indigenous vegetation is conserved in nature reserves and national parks, and the rest grows on private land. Conservation of indigenous vegetation is therefore largely dependent on landowners.

Prior to developing land, it is important to do a survey on and around the area to be planted to establish whether it may endanger the surrounding environment and what should be done to do an ecologically sensitive development.