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Transplant or Root Shock

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Transplant or root shock: trauma experienced by a plant when transplanted.

Minimizing Transplant Shock

Transplant shock can be minimized by carefully considering the weather conditions and the plant's growth cycle before moving; as well as having the planting hole ready to avoid having the plant's roots exposed longer than necessary. Also, ensure the new transplant receives adequate moisture after it is settled in its new home.

Transplanting on cool, cloudy days can help a plant recover quickly; if that's not possible, shade cloth or some protection may be placed loosely over the plant for a few days. Certain plants should be transplanted when dormant to reduce the effects of being moved.

Some gardeners add Vitamin B1 to the water used to moisten newly transplanted seedlings; they say it helps reduce transplant shock and gets the plant off to a good start.

Examples of root shock: