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Principles of the Overall Assessment Process 

Completion requirements


Definition: The process is transparent and there is no “hidden agenda”, i.e. learners understand the assessment process and the criteria that apply and can contribute to the planning and accumulation of evidence.

To assist the assessor in planning transparent, open assessments, the following guidelines are applicable:

  • Plan with the learner what has to be assessed.
  • Plan with the learner when the assessment is to take place.
  • Make sure that the learner understands how the assessment is going to take place, in other words, make sure that the learner is prepared.


The means that the tools or instruments used for the assessment process are standardised and can be adapted without compromising the principle of fairness.

The actual assessment methods and instruments cannot fail, e.g. computer failure or machine failure, and therefor cause the learner’s competence to be in question.

Definition: The same assessor would make the same judgment again in similar circumstances and judgments match judgments made on similar evidence.

Reliable assessment refers to an assessor’s ability to display the same methodology to each and every assessment and to each and every learner, without bias or prejudice to the learner/s.

Learners with Special Needs:

Accommodating learners with special needs during assessment without compromising reliability and validity.

Provision should always be made to accommodate learners with special needs. This can be done by first determining and understanding how possible special needs might be observed, and how to respond to each.

Click here to download a checklist to determine special needs.


This means that the assessment tools can be adapted to accommodate special needs or different contexts, without compromising the validity and sufficiency of the evidence gathered.


Definition: The overall process ensures assessment is fair, effective, repeatable and manageable.

A systematic approach to assessment will ensure that evidence is gathered timeously and in such a way that the learner is not placed under unnecessary pressure. Systematically planning your assessment will help you to gather evidence as and when it occurs (workplace evidence/classroom evidence), to avoid repetition of assessment activities where integration is possible which in turn will make sure that all evidence is collected, showing fairness and making sure that the same method can be followed again for another learner.


Definition: All assessments are conducted in a similar manner, without bias and according to the same benchmarks and standards for all learners.

Addressing the learner in a specific way in preparation for the assessment will help the learner to understand what is expected from him/her during assessment.

The method by which the final assessment will take place for this learning module is as follows.

Example: Additional standard evidence required:

It is very important that you ensure that you include/supply the following standard evidence as part of your proof of competence:

  • Attend the theory and practical learning sessions and sign all registers.
  • Complete all documentation and activities in this workbook and hand it to the facilitator or assessor as arranged.

Conditions of assessment may be covered in policies and procedures about training and assessment in your workplace. It is important that each industry, enterprise or training establishment has a written policy regarding assessment. A policy should refer to the types of results given and the mechanisms for appealing results.

If the organisation does not have a written policy or address the answers as stated above, the relevant parties in the workplace need to be consulted to establish the answers before you develop your assessment strategy.

The Consequences of Poor Assessment Practices

The process of assessment cannot be deemed “fair” if the principles of assessment were not followed, and learners can appeal against the assessment decision on this basis.

Should the unfair assessment be noted by the moderator or verifier, the chances of the assessment decision being overturned and deemed invalid increases.

It is important to remember that assessment is a legal process and that the decisions reached in assessment can be utilised as evidence in legal action such as CCMA disputes.

Click here to download an explanation of the links between the actual assessment and quality management systems.

Lecturer Broadcast: Click here to view an explanation of the consequences of poor assessments.