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Positive Thinking for a Customer Service Mindset

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“Your mind creates your reality. You can choose to accept this or not. You can be conscious of it and set your mind working for you, or you can ignore it and allow it to work in ways that will hinder and hold you back. But your mind will always and forever be creating your reality.” - John Kehoe.

Thinking causes a chemical and electrical change in the brain. Messages are transmitted from one brain cell to another through the axons and dendrites. The message moves along the dendrite as an electric impulse. When it reaches the synapse (area between dendrites, as dendrites do not touch), the electric impulse changes into a biochemica,l which acts a transmitter substance and carries the message across to the next dendrite. At this point it changes back into an electric impulse. If you have told yourself repeatedly that you can’t do something, the messages are blocked by your negative programming and the electrical impulses do not change into the right biochemical. Your negative programming thus causes your inability to cope. This is a simplistic way of explaining this complex act of thinking. Millions of axons and dendrites are involved:

  • Your previous brain programming for doing the tasks that you fear or tend to evade plays a major role in how to handle the situation now. You therefore need a great deal of advanced positive brain programming.
  • Thoughts that are repeated often form patterns, and in future it is easier for the brain to keep on using the same pathway, especially when you are under stress. Therefore, create positive pathways in advance.
  • You need not believe what you say when you give yourself positive messages. If you consistently repeat the messages, they will get across, the pathways will form, and you will get results. Consider people who have multiple personalities. One of the personalities may be suffering from high blood pressure or blood sugar is normal. The different personalities therefore programme the same body in different ways. We all have been programming ourselves, sometimes for years, that we are unable to do something, yet this may not be true at all. A new brain programme, if it brings about good results, is surprisingly easy to establish and maintain.
  • If you make use of visualisation in your positive brain programming, e.g. visualising your outcome or “practising” in your mind, you will get even better results. When you visualise, yourself doing something step by step, the connections between the brain cells are actually and physically formed and you have created a physical pathway to success. This kind of brain programming through visualisation works best when you are relaxed.