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Prerequisite Programs (PRP)

Completion requirements

Recently, the term ‘Prerequisite Program (PRP)’ is more used. PRP can be defined as every specific and documented activity or facility that is implemented corresponding to the ‘Codex General Requirements of Food Hygiene, the ‘Good Manufacturing Practices and the legislation, with the purpose to create basic requirements that are necessary for the production and processing of safe foods in all stages of the food chain.

In other words, PRP covers GHP (Good Hygienic Practices), GMP and the legislation. The term ‘program’ refers to the fact that PRPs are more than a working instruction, a plan or a regulation. They are general control measures that need to be verified on their effectiveness on a regular base.

The PRPs are divided into 14 groups:

  • PRP 1: Cleaning And Disinfection
  • PRP 2: Pest Control
  • PRP 3: Water And Air Quality
  • PRP 4: Temperature Control And Registration
  • PRP 5: Personnel (Facilities, Hygienic Way Of Working, Health, Education)
  • PRP 6: Structure And Infrastructure (Surrounding Area, Building, Materials, Equipment)
  • PRP 7: Technical Maintenance And Calibration
  • PRP 8: Waste Management
  • PRP 9: Control of Raw Material
  • PRP 10: Traceability, Recall, Goods Returned, Rejections/non-Conform Products
  • PRP 11: Allergens
  • PRP 12: Physical and Chemical Contamination
  • PRP 13: Management of Product Information
  • PRP 14: Work Methodology

Although GMP, PRP and HACCP are specific elements, they have interfaces. GMP are general hygiene measures that need to be taken and they can be sector-specific or not. PRP will transform these hygiene measures into a practically manageable, effective and company-specific surveillance system. Furthermore, HACCP gives an additional clear and systematic analysis of the hazards that are specific for the company. After the completion of a company-specific hazard analysis, it will be clear, which process steps need supplementary specific control measures (CCP – Critical Control Point) in addition to the general control measures.

It can be stated that HACCP is necessary to concretise the GMP and PRR measures on one hand and to look for additional hazards through a company-specific study, to implement additional control measures on the other hand.

However, when the PRPs are insufficient elaborated and implemented, a high number of hazards with a quite high chance of occurrence, need to be listed during the hazard analysis of HACCP. As a consequence, a lot of points will occur with high risks that are not controllable as a CCP.

PRPs can be considered as the necessary foundation for a functional HACCP- system. The HACCP system is in its turn the ideal means to evaluate and adjust the existing PRP on the base of the hazard analysis.

Let’s look at the implementation of PRP/GMP in the workplace: