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PRP 2: Pest Control

Completion requirements

It is important that enough attention is paid to prevention. Therefore, one needs to take measures to avoid the entrance of vermin in the company and pay attention to the following points:

  • The exterior walls may contain as less as possible cracks and chinks.
  • The pipes and grids need to be accessible for cleaning, but may not be accessible from outside.
  • The exterior windows have to be provided with an insect screen.
  • The loading and unloading gate has to be closed immediately after loading and unloading.
  • The company and the surrounding of the company needs to be kept neat and clean.
  • Apparatus en rooms that are not used, need to be clean.
  • The prolonged staying of a pool of water has to be avoided.
Pest Control Plan

Besides these basic measures, the presence of a pest control plan is indispensable.

By placing baits and traps one works preventive (early detection of pests) as well as suppressive. It is not obliged, but strictly recommended to contract pest control to a specialised and professional company.

Baits and traps need to be placed inside the company, but also outside the company. In this way a barrier is formed to prevent the entering of pests.

Baits and traps need to have a number. This number has to be indicated on a floor plan and at eye level on the wall or apparatus where the bait or trap is located.

The pest control plan has to focus on rodents and crawling and flying insects. Insect killers need to be installed in rooms where it is necessary (loading/unloading platforms or other rooms with direct entrance to outside, cleaning area, etc). The UV- lamps need to be replaced every year (or in accordance with the instructions of the supplier). The bin to collect the dead insects has to be broader than the lamps or the system of electrocution has to be combined with adhesive tape to avoid insects falling out the bin. It is important that these bins are emptied and cleaned on a regular base. The cleaning of these recipients has to be included in the cleaning and disinfection plan or it can be included in the contract of the company that is responsible for pest control. Also, a system based on adhesives can be applied (instead of electrocution).

When there is a problem with pests, it is important to determine the cause.

The used pesticides may not have contact with foods, contact surfaces or packaging materials. They have to be stored in separate rooms or closets with a limited access and must be acknowledged as biocides.