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PRP 13: Management Of Product Information

Completion requirements

The recipes and methods of preparation are often the ‘big secret’ of a company. The composition of food and the way of preparation is the knowledge that is built up and refined during the years.

However, recipes and methods of preparation determine besides the organoleptic characteristics of the product, also the shelf life and the safety of the product. Changes in the amounts, ratios, ingredients, etc can have a strong influence on the safety of the product. Even the change of supplier or the switchover from fresh ingredients to frozen ones can have already an influence.

As a consequence, changing of methods of preparation cannot be done by everybody of the personnel. A change of the method of preparation is a part of the procedure ‘design and development’. The intervention of the HACCP team is necessary to judge if the changes are not an extra risk towards food safety or if the HACCP plan needs adaptations.

In this PRP one needs to describe how one needs to handle the methods of preparation:

  • Who can change them
  • Who distributes them in the company
  • Which members of the staff can have knowledge of them
  • Inform the HACCP team when a method of preparation is changed

Click here to view a video that explains plant-wide recipe management.

Label Information

Labels contain a lot of information that is partly laid down by the law and also some additional information.

In this PRP it is described how one needs to handle this information:

  • Who designs the label
  • Who verifies all necessary legal information
  • Is there consultation with the client
  • Who keeps the register of the labels up to date
End Product Specifications

Information of the end products is necessary to assess which hazards can occur in the production process or which hazards can be present in the end product

The HACCP team will collect as much information as possible. Therefore, it will use all the information that is present in the company like analysis results and legislation.

In the framework of HACCP, end product specifications should include the following information: