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Optimal Space Utilization And Outlay

Completion requirements
Guidelines for Stock Layout

Just because the warehouse is not visited by customers does not mean it should be neglected. A well-kept warehouse is essential to providing fast and effective operations and a safe work environment.


The stock should be arranged in a logical and straightforward manner. Merchandise should be divided into logical categories, such as item types, size, and manufacturer. Within each category, it could be further subdivided by colour: size, number etc.


Most merchandise in warehouses is kept on shelves. Be very careful about how merchandise is stacked on shelving. Keep heavy items on bottom shelves and place lighter items at the top. Never stack too many boxes; not only are they difficult to access, but dangerous, too. Do not have anything sticking out beyond the edge of the shelf either. These items can be easily knocked off, or worse yet, someone walking could bang into it and get hurt. Keep breakable objects carefully protected, too.


The stock should be divided in such a way that it can be easily counted to aid in stock control. Vertical dividers can separate items on shelves, for example. Small, loose items can be placed in larger boxes so that they do not get lost. Labels should clearly identify location, style, size, colour or whatever another arrangement method is used.


The warehouse should be dust and dirt free to prevent stored merchandise from becoming soiled. Even goods stored in boxes should be kept clean. Dented, marked or dirty boxes make customers suspicious about their contents. An old beat-up box gives the impression of old, beat-up merchandise. And even if the goods inside are fine, customers are not going to want to handle soiled boxes. Thus, storage shelves and racks must be dusted and cleaned regularly. The warehouse floor must be kept swept and mopped. Throw away wrappers, empty boxes, Styrofoam packing material and other rubbish. Place protective covers over unwrapped merchandise to keep it dust-free.

Lighting and Hardware

Warehouses should be well-lit so that all the merchandise can be easily seen. Check that all light fixtures are working and replace worn bulbs. Check that shelves and racks are sturdy. If they seem wobbly, call for maintenance to check them. Keep heat registers, exhaust vents and other air passages open and clear.