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Employer Responsibility In Terms Of Safety

Completion requirements

Every employer has the legal responsibility to make work conditions safe and healthy. Many of these responsibilities are based on regulations set by Government health and safety laws or the National Occupation and Safety Association. All safety and health standards require employers to maintain clean, healthy and safe work conditions. There are also different sets of rules for different kinds of work. For example, warehouses must adhere to special guidelines for fire protection.

Most companies comply voluntarily with these safety regulations in order to prevent injury to employees and damage to equipment. However, if safety measures are ignored or if conditions pose a likely danger, you can file a complaint with OHASA and ask for an inspection. If your employer treats you unfairly as a result of your complaint, you can write to OHASA within 30 days to get help. If you ask when you file a complaint, they will protect your identity when it follows through.

The following are basic standards that all employers, including warehouses, must meet:

  • Each workplace must supply drinking water for its employees.
  • Employers must provide toilets adequate for the number of employees.
  • There must be a washroom having a sink with hot and cold running water.
  • The work area must be kept neat and clean. Rubbish bins must be provided for the disposal of waste. Floors must be kept dry and free of exposed nails, splinters, rubbish and other dangerous obstructions.
  • The employer must make a serious pest control effort to rid the workplace of insects, rats and other pests.
  • There must be several easily acceptable works exits identified by signs. The entire workforce must be quickly evacuated in case of accident, fire, explosion or another emergency.
  • Any lunchroom must be kept neat and clean. Food served there must be unspoiled and wholesome.
  • Noise is a serious occupational hazard. Many workers have some hearing loss due to noisy work environments. Companies must provide ear protection around loud equipment, engines and machines.